I started my hour of code on a Monday after work. I continued my hour of code on Thursdays after school. My hour took three. It went quite badly.
I started off strong messing around in Scratch. But after about an hour of checking things out, and playing around, all I had done was make a button that when clicked turned into a baguette.
This is the aftermath after I gave up. I had zero motivation. Part of any literacy is the motivation and commitment to what you are doing, and I just couldn't bring myself to care enough about it.
This is par for the course. Since graduating, I have found myself struggling to focus on a singular task for long periods of time. I constantly have several tabs open and I switch between projects constantly.
Scratch does remind me of a program we used when I was in middle school to explore the basics of coding. I can't remember the name of the platform though- any thoughts of what it could be (it was around 2012-14)
I then moved on to Code.org and found my way over to a Code Combat project with AI. I followed prompts and found this much easier as the results and inputs were easier to follow. I really like the idea that AI can be used for something like this. Where you can have control of some of the creative aspects, but don't have to worry about the logistics.