Dear reader,
Can you start something like that? It feels very old timey, like something from an old magazine. This is just an update- I have been using my phone to type out blog posts, and realized that they were not posting to my site until today. I guess you could say the Holidays came early, because this is a whole bunch of posts all at once.
Cyber safety wasn't a term I was aware of until later in my life, as I grew up in Conservative Christian circles that were very intense about security and sheltering children from many internet sites. I only had 20 minutes of specific webpage access until I was approximately 12 or 13. After this, my iPod touch had heavy parental control. We were always told that the internet was a wild and scary place and that our parents would make sense of it and protect us.
Many of these circles use PlugIn Media which is a Christian based organization that rates media. Although this can be a great resource, it was often used to shame kids into avoiding certain types of media.
As someone who grew up in the new age of access, my peers and I continually had digital security both at the forefront of our mind, but also a level of apathy. I remember having a conversation about Google's data sharing and tracking space and the deep sense that it was unfortunate but nobody really cared.
This came up again in the podcast Up and Vanished by Payne Lindsey Season 1 Episode 10 in which Google tracking was used to answer questions surrounding a missing persons case. This was the first time I had heard about tracking used for something productive rather than for the benefit of the company.
The issue with cyber security now is that there is only so much a person can do living in urban spaces to avoid not being part of the cyber world. The idea then shifts to personal safety and creation of safe spaces. Cyber security today means educating students that what happens on the internet stays forever, and many daily tasks are being tracked.
This is such a complex issue, and will continue to b both a legislative and personal conversation that will continue to develop over the years.
Here is a Cyber Security Bear with some tips: